E-Journal Club marts 2018


Communicating About Vaccines in a Fact-Resistant World

 JAMA Pediatrics

Vaccinemodstand hos forældre er noget som alle læger i almen praksis samt i pædiatrien vil støde på før eller siden.
I denne artikel fra JAMA pediatrics fra 2017 gennemgås hvorledes man taler med disse fakta-resistente forældre.

Skal man ikke bare forklare dem at al videnskab afviser deres hysteriske påfund om f.eks  autisme og tungmetal? Åbenbart ikke! I artiklen forklares de snedige kognitive krumspring som hjernen gør, når man får forklaret at ens opfattelse er forkert, og giver gode bud på hvordan man som læge by-pass’er disse i en samtale.

Omer SB  et al

JAMA Pediatrics. 2017;171(10):929-930. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.2219

PMID: 28806442

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Uddrag fra artikel:

Focus on the Disease: Given the possibility of backfire, one promising approach is to avoid correcting misperceptions regarding vaccine adverse events and to instead pivot the conversation to the disease itself.


To effectively stimulate action to address possible disease, an individual must perceive they are at risk for disease (risk perception) and believe there is an effective action (response efficacy) and that they are capable of taking that action (self-efficacy).


Although it is preferable to focus on the disease rather than the vaccine, directly addressing vaccine-related myths relies on 3 principles:
- First, confrontation of the myth should be focused on key facts.
- Second, before the myth is mentioned, clearly indicate that subsequent information is false to signal the mind to be alert.
- Third and most importantly, an alternative explanation should be provided. Attempts to correct the myth without filling in mental gaps are likely to be unsuccessful.

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